“I am settled in a fairy land… everything is beautiful and I would like to paint everything”
(Claude Monet, letter from Bordighera, 2 February 1884)
I live in the town of Ventimiglia, a few kilometres from the French border, so I am the westernmost guide of Liguria!
I graduated in German Language and Literature at the University of Genoa in 1994.
Since 1989, having developed the special “calling” of making my land known and appreciated, I decided to obtain the necessary qualifications to become an official tourist guide.
Exploring the Ligurian coast and the hinterland, I visited countless sites and monuments, and developed during the years some great passions (fortified architecture, medieval, Renaissance and Baroque art), which I love to share with my travel companions.
I am specialized in cultural and environmental-naturalistic itineraries.
My “territory” stretches from the Côte d’Azur to the Eastern Italian Riviera including Genoa, with excursions also in the neighbouring regions.
I offer you a different Liguria, unusual, fascinating, intense… sea and mountain, light and shade… every day of the year!